Miyerkules, Disyembre 16, 2015

How Dads Should Prepare for Pregnancy

According to research studies, new moms have a better overall pregnancy experience when dads are actively involved. Being a pregnancy partner, you must be responsible enough to make your wife feel relieved and assured that you will be dependable from the start up until the end of the child care process. How do you do that? Read up.

Listen. Make your wife understand that you're there to listen. If you think that she's overreacting about the changes in her appearance or that she's worrying over nothing, just keep those thoughts to yourself. Listen to her and help her go through it.

 Lessen her chores. It's definitely exhausting for your wife to carry a human being in her tummy. Hence, she will find it difficult to accomplish tasks quickly.  Lessen her chores and do as much as you can. By lightening her load, she's most likely to enjoy every bit of her pregnancy.

Pack. Ask your Ob-gyne about the things you need to prepare. Pack them all in your hospital bag. It is best for both of you to be prepared all the time. Your baby might come out earlier than expected. Ask your wife what else she needs to bring with you. Do the packing while she does the talking. :)

Have an assistant. You might forget a lot of things no matter how prepared you are. Have someone assist you on the D-day. Let your assistant contact your relatives and carry all the things you need to bring. If possible, leave the driving to your assistant as well. This will allow you to give your full support to your wife.

Don't be ignorant. Read books and stay informed. Go to your OB-gyne together. Be proactive. Ask your OB-gyne the stages you're in and the things you must do to ensure everything is okay. This will keep you from getting startled when the D-day arrives.