Miyerkules, Disyembre 16, 2015

How Dads Should Prepare for Pregnancy

According to research studies, new moms have a better overall pregnancy experience when dads are actively involved. Being a pregnancy partner, you must be responsible enough to make your wife feel relieved and assured that you will be dependable from the start up until the end of the child care process. How do you do that? Read up.

Listen. Make your wife understand that you're there to listen. If you think that she's overreacting about the changes in her appearance or that she's worrying over nothing, just keep those thoughts to yourself. Listen to her and help her go through it.

 Lessen her chores. It's definitely exhausting for your wife to carry a human being in her tummy. Hence, she will find it difficult to accomplish tasks quickly.  Lessen her chores and do as much as you can. By lightening her load, she's most likely to enjoy every bit of her pregnancy.

Pack. Ask your Ob-gyne about the things you need to prepare. Pack them all in your hospital bag. It is best for both of you to be prepared all the time. Your baby might come out earlier than expected. Ask your wife what else she needs to bring with you. Do the packing while she does the talking. :)

Have an assistant. You might forget a lot of things no matter how prepared you are. Have someone assist you on the D-day. Let your assistant contact your relatives and carry all the things you need to bring. If possible, leave the driving to your assistant as well. This will allow you to give your full support to your wife.

Don't be ignorant. Read books and stay informed. Go to your OB-gyne together. Be proactive. Ask your OB-gyne the stages you're in and the things you must do to ensure everything is okay. This will keep you from getting startled when the D-day arrives.

Miyerkules, Disyembre 9, 2015

Top Qualities That Make a True Gentleman

When you get to have your own daughter, you will definitely dream of marrying her with a fine gentleman. But while you're still  young to have a daughter, strive to be the true gentleman perfect for every father's daughter. How? Read the following traits you must have.

Manly manners - You must never say anything inappropriate in any situation you're in. Be polite in the presence of other people. Observe traditional practices especially when you're around women and older people. Pull out a chair, hold doors open, etc.

Polite language - True gentlemen don't curse. They try their best to solve conflicts without engaging in heated arguments and without cursing. Never talk to your woman, parents or anyone else in a demeaning manner.

Says 'please' and 'thank you' - Showing a woman or a person your appreciation is very important. This can create a big impact on the person whose efforts or presence you're trying to appreciate. Use words like 'please' and 'thank you' in your daily interactions. Be kind to everyone specifically to those with low status in society.

Calm - It is normal and acceptable to be angry. However, a true gentleman handles annoyance or irritation in a calm way. Hence, he doesn't burst into anger. He knows how to handle his temper and frustrations. And he doesn't let both to affect his personality and reputation.

Morals - A true gentleman would never take advantage of a lady, of an elder or of the weak. He would never steal. He would never violate traffic rules. He knows what's bad and what's good. And he controls himself to be always doing what's right.

Open-minded - A true gentleman respects everybody's opinion and preferences. He doesn't force people to comply to his decisions or personal opinion even though he stands firm on his beliefs.

Causes women and other people to feel comfortable - Sarcasm ad green jokes are prevalent these days. A true gentleman never spews inappropriate jokes that will cause people around him to feel uncomfortable. Since a true gentleman has a pleasant nature, everybody - including other men - enjoy being around him.

Miyerkules, Disyembre 2, 2015

Simply Ways How Men Can Dress Better

Clothes don’t make the man but they help in building up your personality. Dressing better can boost your confidence; hence, you look better, feel happier and perform well at work. Here are some ways by which you can be at your best everyday.

Pick a “style icon”. This guy can be a celebrity or anyone whose style looks cool to you. What kind of  clothes and shoes does he wear? Take note of all these things.

Have a closet assessment. Go through all the clothes in your closet. Pick the clothes you no longer wear or the clothes which look shabby. If you find this hard to do, ask help from a trusted friend who can give you sound advice about fashion. Donate to charity all the clothes you're getting rid of.

List at least ten items around which you must build your wardrobe. Make sure that these items will suit not only your personal taste but also your life style. Doing this can be expensive and so consider going to thrift stores. You can get some great finds here just be patient in going through all the items.

Invest on your wardrobe. If your budget permits it, buy a good piece of clothing whenever you get paid. Invest on classic clothes which you can match with most of the clothes you already own. Invest on quality clothes which you can wear for a long time as well.

Miyerkules, Nobyembre 25, 2015

Few Thoughts on Teaching Your Kids about Good Grooming

It is important for kids to understand the significance of  being clean, looking nice, and having a neat appearance as they approach adolescence. Talk to them about smelling clean and looking his or her best. Use something that might inspire them to do so. This could be a photo their favorite movie, TV, or music idol.

To develop a daily grooming routine, observe the following:

Create a short checklist of the things they need to do to look clean and smell good. You can use a set of photos for this. Mount them in a place where all your kids can see them. Here's a sample checklist you can copy.
  • Use the toilet
  • Wash hands
  • Wash face with soap
  • Rinse with water
  • Dry with towel
  • Apply moisturizer
  • Apply underarm deodorant
  • Get dressed
  • Hair care
  • Breakfast
  • Brush/floss teeth
  • Rinse with mouthwash

Sample Evening Schedule:
  • Shave
  • Shower
  • Dry off
  • Put on pajamas
  • Apply moisturizer
  • Brush/floss teeth
  • Rinse with mouthwash

1) Whenever possible, give your child a choice of products, choice of textures, fragrances, etc.
2) Keep the supplies near one another in the bathroom cabinet, or consider using baskets or a bathroom caddy with pockets for supplies.
3) Number supplies in order of use.
4) When teaching your child about applying deodorant or fragrance, provide him or her with simple instructions that are easy to follow, such as two (or three) swipes of deodorant under the arm or holding out the perfume bottle at arm’s length and spraying one or two times.

Miyerkules, Oktubre 21, 2015

How to Look Handsome without Trying Too Hard

There's nothing wrong in wanting to look good. Looking good can provide many benefits more than you can imagine. And you need to look good whether you're single or married with kids. Here are some tips that can help you look good without surgery or trying hard.

Fix your eyebrows. Eyebrow plucking or shaping is not exclusive to the ladies. Men can do this as well. A neat pair of eyebrows will have big impact on your overall appearance. Simply remove the stray hair that are making your eyebrows look messy. Never get your eyebrows tattooed.

Don an interesting hairstyle. Go to a trusted salon and ask for the hair color and style that will suit your facial features. If you don't want a hair cut or hair dying , just change the way you part your hair. Try parting your hair at one side if you usually part it in the middle. This can give you a mature and sexy image.

Fix your posture. Posture can affect your overall appearance and it plays a big part in the way you walk and sit. Keeping your shoulders slightly back and your back will make you look confident. People will see and treat you differently if you look confident.

Strive to be healthy. While men can also use foundation to hide their skin imperfections, it is best to deal with them by attacking their internal causes. Leading a healthy diet will not only clear up your skin. It will also help you get into tip-top shape.

Strive to be organized. Your organization skills can be reflected in your appearance. If you're neat and organized with your clothes and hair, you will look fresh and handsome. If you're careless with your stuff, you're most likely to be lazy in grooming yourself.

Martes, Setyembre 29, 2015

Five Top Ways to Improve Your Appearance Instantly

Has it been years since your last date?  If yes, you might want to consider improving your appearance today. Appearance is not only about being in good shape and having a great personality, it also includes the way you present yourself in public. If you're able to carry yourself well in front of others, you can make every woman fall for you even though you’re not as handsome as many male celebrities in Hollywood. So, how do you do that? Read the following tips.

1) Manage hair loss. Baldness can strike any time because of your genetics, stress or other factors. It is better to keep the hair you have than to grow back what you’ve already lost. Try products that can stop further hair loss. Get a haircut that can disguise your bald patches.

2) Trim body hair. You can use clippers to trim your man-fur. Cut your hair short on your upper arms, stomach and sides. Leave your chest hair longer than the rest. This will create an image of a bigger chest and slimmer torso. Don't forget any hair growing out of your ears and nose either.

3) Correct your posture. Proper posture can make you look taller. It also creates the impression that you’re confident. Men with a handsome face can easily look sloppy and unattractive if they slouch and pull their chins down toward their chest.

4) Brighten and straighten your smile. Nothing beats a bright smile. You can look healthier and younger if your teeth look good. If you have any spare savings, invest in quality dental veneers. They will restore your smile and confidence in no time. Read this infographic from Beacon Cove Dental. It shows other procedures that can help straighten and whiten your teeth.

5) Dress well. Dressing well affects the way people – especially women – see you.  Accept your body type. Wear the kind of clothes that best suit you. Have your own personal style, so that you stand out from the crowd.

In short, it really doesn’t take too much effort to improve your appearance. The main points to consider are caring for your hair, having good posture, selecting suitable clothes and if possible, investing in some dental work.  The brightness of your smile has a big impact on your appearance. If you do these things, not only will you feel more confident, others, particularly women, will see you this way too.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 23, 2015

Learn the Different Polo Shirt Fabrics

Polo shirts are essential pieces in a man's wardrobe. They are comfortable and versatile to wear. They are also affordable.

These shirts are sold in different styles and fabrics. Generally, polo shirt fabrics are organic and/or man-made. Cotton is an example of organic fabric while synthetic fiber is an example of man-made fabric.

Cotton And Poly/Cotton – Polo shirts made of pure cotton are soft and comfortable to wear and easy to wash and iron. They are friendly to the wearer's skin during hot days. Even the most sensitive skin would not have problems with it as it absorbs body moisture well.

Polyester – Polyester shirts are resistant to spills and stains. They are also easy to maintain. In fact, they can be worn right away as soon as they get dried after washing. You need not iron them for they are wrinkle free as well.

Jersey – Jersey polo shirts allow your body to move with ease in any direction. This is because jersey is elastic and so your arms would not be limited from extending freely. The down side about these shirts is that they get worn out sooner than the other types. With just one look, you can differentiate jersey polo shirts among others because of the tiny lines the fabric holds.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 16, 2015

Can Men Wear Pink?

Pink has always been associated with girls or girly stuff. During the 1800, gender representation through colors became popular. Pink is for girls; and blue is for boys. This philosophy remained popular until 1950's. Some clothing companies tried to manufacture pink dress shirts for men in the 1900's. Their items did not sell. Moreover, their items simply became a laughing stock among men. Pink clothes for men got truly accepted in the 1980's and 1990's. And up to this  day fashion experts are looking for ways by which men can wear pink in style.

Choose the right shade of pink. The good thing about pink is that it doesn't choose skin tone. You can look good in pink whether you're dark-skinned or light-skinned. Light pink tops are perfect for dark-skinned men who want to look a shade lighter. On the other hand, dark pink tops make light-skinned men glow.

Try pink accessories. This is good especially when you're not yet fully ready to put on solid pink tops. Try a pink necktie or pocket square to match your suit.

Choose pink dress shirts and polo shirts over pink sweaters and t-shirts. You can never go wrong with a pink dress shirt or polo shirt whether you need it for a casual or a formal event. If you wish to wear a pink t-shirt, wear it with khaki pants and under a blue coat.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 9, 2015

Best Shaving Tips for Men

Razor burn usually result from improper way of shaving. There are techniques which you can learn to keep yourself from experiencing so. They are the following.

Wet your beard thoroughly. Facial hair absorbs around 30% moisture. Wet hair is weak; thus; it is easier to cut. To make sure that your beard is totally moist, take a shower before shaving.

Buy quality shaving cream. Quality shaving creams cost more than their cheap counterparts. This is because they contain high concentration of lubricants and moisturizers. These elements result into creamy lather and not a foamy lather. This allows the blade to glide smoothly on your face.

Buy quality razor blade. Quality blades are sharper. Their counterparts - dull blades - are traumatic on the skin. Using them will make your facial skin feel scratchy and look blotchy. Remember that shaving removes two layers of your facial skin. Your face will be less irritated if you use a quality sharp blade.

Shave in the direction of the beard growth. Contrary to popular belief, shaving in the opposite direction of the beard growth is not beneficial. While it can give you a closer shave, it can cause your face to bleed and have razor bumps. Start with the sides; then the mustache area; and then the chin.

Note: I don't the video. All credits to the owner/publisher.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 2, 2015

Five Manly Hobbies for the Modern Men

Most men today spend their free time checking social media accounts or watching online videos in their smart phones. They’re no longer interested with manly hobbies that can make their minds and bodies sharp. Do you want to spend your free time meaningfully? Read this short list of manly habits and pick one or two that tackle your interests and skills.

Play the guitar - You need not be a born musician in order to play the guitar. You can be a technical guitar player for the sake of enjoyment or hobby. Women usually find men who play the guitar and who can carry a tune very attractive.

Play chess - According to Benjamin Franklin, playing chess provides valuable qualities of the mind. Learn how to play chess today if you want to improve your abstract reasoning, critical thinking, concentration and problem solving skills. You can use all these mental benefits at work and in life.

Woodworking - Are you known for your impatience? Get into woodworking. Men who has it for a hobby are less prone to stress and are more patient compared to other men when it comes to irritable situations. You can also earn extra from this hobby by selling your wood crafts.

Gardening - Men who want to keep a healthy lifestyle grow their own food within their backyards. Apart from its practical benefits, gardening can improve your emotional, mental and physical health. Gardening allows you think and be more aware of the seasons and the environment. It also allows you to exercise almost all parts of your body. This is a great hobby to pursue especially if you spend 40 hours or so in a cubicle in your workplace where you don’t get enough sunlight and fresh air.

Fishing - Fishing is a popular hobby among men who want to bond with their family and friends while enjoying their free time for recreation. Fishing is a good alternative to hunting especially of you can’t stomach killing a bear or dear just for fun.
photo credit country outfitter dot life

Miyerkules, Agosto 26, 2015

Stylish Clothing for College Men

Are you one of those students who attend class in the pajamas? Yes? Well, now is the time for you to really wake up, smell the coffee and change your wardrobe.

Apart from looking good, dressing well for school has other benefits for college students. Dressing sharp for the day ahead makes any student more alert and confident in completing their tasks. When your mind is framed like this, it will be easier for you to learn and accomplish almost anything.

Dressing properly in class is a form of respect to your professors as well. By presenting a groomed version of yourself to your professors, they get the impression that you took the time to prepare before meeting them. When the time comes that you need a referral from them, you can expect them to remember and choose you over your classmates.

So, how do you upgrade your wardrobe without using up all your allowance? Here are some tips.

Choose polo shirts over t-shirts. Your polo shirts need not be branded or expensive. You can just buy affordable collared shirts in fine solid colors.

Replace your sweatshirts with stylish sweaters. Sweaters can come in cardigan, polo and turtle neck style. Knitted sweaters in polo style can be worn without a shirt under. When choosing cardigan sweaters, go for bright-colored ones which you can pair with printed or solid t-shirts. As for turtle neck sweaters, choose dark-colored ones which can be worn under sports jackets.
photo credit: ali express dot com
Choose dark-colored jeans over faded varieties. Dark-colored denims can be worn neatly with all kinds of tops for different occasions. Moreover, they don’t look dirty even after you have worn them many times.

Miyerkules, Agosto 19, 2015

Fashion Tips for Different Kinds of Photo Shoots

Having a photo shoot for any purpose requires your utmost preparation. It's just like preparing for an important occasion in your  life. Here are some guidelines that can help you get started with it.

Mug shots are usually taken for government licenses, passports and other important documents. Photos for these purposes are rather small and just usually show your face, neck and half of your shoulders. There are only three pieces of clothing for you to mind here – dress shirt, necktie and suit jacket. Ensure that they come in the right color combination. Choose a solid color for the dress shirt and the suit jacket. Select a lighter shade for the former and a darker one for the latter. The necktie can either be in solid color or patterned hues.

Casual family portraits usually have the outdoors for a venue. In here, you can wear a signature polo shirt and a pair of dress pants. Perhaps, you do not like the modern cut of dress pants. You can wear skin tone khakis and striped or printed dress shirts. This get up can make you look smarter but not too formal. For a formal family portrait, a tailored suit and dress shoes is the expected attire of males. However, males who are not comfortable with suit jackets can still look formal with their favorite sweater on top of a dress shirt in solid color.

If there is a family portrait, there is definitely a company portrait. What men should wear for this must be aimed at making a man’s professional character to be evident in the photo. A tailored suit in black or charcoal gray with a white dress shirt under would definitely do the trick. If you want variation for your inner wear, you can choose among light colors like baby blue, pink or yellow. Have you ever seen pinstriped suits? They can be worn too – preferably by those aged 50 and above.

How you look like in a picture can dictate the level of respect others ought to give you. More often than not, people make assumptions about a person’s character and background based on how he dresses up. Photos are one of the few things that can capture just that. This should not be a big problem if you know the guidelines on what men should wear for different purposes and events.

Miyerkules, Agosto 12, 2015

Men's Formal Wear: Know Its Details

Are you attending an event that calls for a formal wear? Before buying or renting one, make sure that you first now the clothing items that it includes. Read the rest of this post if you're keen to know about them.

Black Evening Jacket – This is also called the black suit jacket. The most common style for this is single-breasted with peaked lapels pointing upwards. The part of the lapel that is visible should be made of a different cloth. It should something silkier and shinier than the rest of the jacket. You can choose a jacket with shawl collar but it does not highlight the shoulders of the wearer – the fact that gives him a manlier aura.

Black Men’s Trousers – Dinner jacket trousers is another name for this. Just like the jacket, these pants come with a shiny part that is called the piping. The piping is found at the sides. It can be made of silk, grosgrain or satin. Perhaps, you used silk for the lapels. Then, use silk for the piping too. It is important that the lapel and the piping match.

Black Low Waistcoat – This also known as cummerbund. The purpose of the cummerbund is to cover the waistband of the pants and give the wearer a slimmer body. Suspenders may be worn under the cummerbund but not a belt.

White Dress Shirt – Yes, the dress shirt for a tuxedo must be exclusively white with small black buttons. The material should be pique cotton. It must have a pleated front and a turn down collar. To achieve a sharp look with the collars and cuffs, they must be starched.

Black Bow Tie – You can choose between two types of bow ties – the butterfly and the bat-wing. If you do not know how to tie a bow-tie properly, feel free to buy a clip-around bow tie.

Black Oxford Shoes – Men’s formal wear would be incomplete with out an appropriate pair of black oxford shoes. Ensure that they are well-polished. The laces must be silk to match the lapels and the piping.

Miyerkules, Agosto 5, 2015

Keep Your Dress Pants in Mint Condition with These Tips

Dress pants are bound to severe damage when they are cleaned improperly. There are washing and ironing techniques which you must take note in order to keep your pants in mint condition for a long time.

Before wetting your slacks, know the fabric they are made of. Information about that and the caring techniques which go with it may be read in the inside tag attached to these pants. Often times, dry cleaning is recommended as rinsing with water affects the quality of the fabric. Fabrics like silk, cashmere and combination of wool and polyester fall under this category.

Although men’s dress pants made of 100% cotton can be washed with water, they are most likely to shrink with the use of warm water. Dry cleaning is also the best option for slacks made of pure cotton. You can also have your pants machine washed as long as you use cold water and a gentle detergent. This will protect from shrinking and acquiring unwanted texture. Segregate your pants according to their respective colors before soaking them in the washing machine. Turn the knob to gentle cycle. Carefully crumple your slacks to remove excess water after rinsing them.

Now, let us learn which kinds of fabric are recommended to be washed by hands. Wool dress pants generally require hand wash. Wool is a delicate fabric. Because of that, it is expensive. Prepare a washing concoction for your wool slacks using a basin of cool water mixed with a tablespoon of mild liquid detergent. When it is ready, soak your slacks for five minutes at the least. Rub them gently afterwards to removed the dirt. Rinse them thoroughly to eliminate presence of soap suds. Use cold water for rinsing. To drain all the water they have absorbed, wrap them in a clean towel and gently press them to excrete water. Crumpling, pulling or tugging them will cause the fabric to loosen.

Cotton and linen slacks must be hung for air dry. Cashmere and wool slacks must be laid on the floor after they have been taken out of the dryer. Before laying them on the floor, turn the slacks inside out to avoid the front part from getting soiled in any case. Silk, polyester and rayon slacks are best dried either way.

Slacks may be ironed. Cotton and silk slacks must be pressed using a steam iron. Lay them flat on a full-sized ironing board so that you can press all of its parts easily. With the use of a sprinkler, you can moisten wrinkled areas before you iron them.

On the contrary, men’s dress pants made of silk must not be sprinkled with water. The heat of the iron and the moist from water can create spots on the fabric. From the waistband, start ironing the front part followed by the back part.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 29, 2015

The Why and How of Power Dressing for Men

Regardless of your status in life, power dressing is one practice you must not overlook. Your outward appearance is often the basis of how other people estimate your capabilities, educational and social backgrounds and character.

Let us first have an understanding of how it changes the way you see yourself. Yes, this practice can affect your feelings and self-image. Do you want to signal authority? Choose a tailored suit that will build up authority in you with just a glance. Look at females around you. When they want to feel happy and comfortable about themselves, they put on make-up, a scent and a lovely dress.

If you are keen to observe, executives are in professional clothes wherever their work or extra curricular activities take them. If not in suits and slacks, they manage to look good in polo shirts and dress pants. These are for the sake of the image they protect and care for. Is it plain vanity? It is more than that. It is disciplining their own selves to be mindful that everything they do must be up a certain standard.

Have you ever heard of someone who is not taken seriously because of the way he dresses up? This is very possible. Looking good is sometimes crucial to getting the opportunities you want – a position in the company, business deals and the like. Do you have a job interview at hand? Power dressing might be all you need to pass; nonetheless, you must prepare mentally for it of course.

Keep in mind though that the type of clothes others wear to look presentable may not work in the same manner with you. You must choose pieces that complement your physical attributes and not those of others. Color, cut and print are the standards to be considered here. Never choose fabric colors that will make you look dark or pale. Choose colors that can bring life to your personality as it blends well with your eye and hair colors. As for the cut and size, select clothes that define the shape of your body. Fitting in the wrong size can get you negative impressions. As much as possible, there must be no prints on your tops especially in the case of formal gatherings.

Power dressing can be very laborious especially to the inexperienced. But if you will think of it, all the efforts it entails come with equivalent rewards. You can gain for yourself other people’s respect and favor. You can break down walls of insecurities which have long been covering your strapping personality and skills. In connection to all these, do not forget to be well-groomed always. A dirty man gains no attention even in branded clothes no matter what.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 22, 2015

Clothing Tips for New Dads with New Jobs

Did you get yourself a new job? Apart from brushing up your job skills, you must also prepare to look good for your new job. Read the following insights if you're not sure about what work clothes to wear in your new workplace.

How to Dress Up for Working Days

On your first day in the office, come in a well-pressed dress shirt in light solid color and dark colored dress pants. Try to observe what your office-mates wear. As you learn the culture or the dress code in your office, you can aim to dress like them or dress a notch higher than their style but never dress better than your boss. With consideration to your salary, invest on classic pieces which you can mix and match. Rooting for a couple of men’s accessories is also good thing to start with. Offices usually allow dress down clothes on Fridays. Here you can wear a classic polo shirt paired with slightly fit dress pants made of cotton.

How to Dress Up for a Job Promotion

Are you getting interviewed for an opportunity to be promoted? Just like how you prepared for your job interview, you must aim at looking smart and elegant. Perhaps, wearing a suit is inappropriate for this situation. You can sport less casual dress pants and a dress shirt or polo shirt under a black or dark brown jacket. You can do away with the dress shoes and use suede ones instead.

How to Dress Up for Other Events at Work

If ever there are upcoming events in your office, try your best to think ahead. Think about the required and how exactly you want to look like. When you are building your wardrobe, stay away from buying trendy clothes. Stick to classic designs which you can use over and over for different occasions and easily and perfectly pair with other pieces. Moreover, they must be comfortable enough to allow you to work with ease. Here is a rule of thumb when buying work clothes for men. Select pieces that fit you at the moment and not after you shed some pounds. If you doubt whether the clothes you have picked, ask the opinion of the sales agents you see in the store. For your shoes, have a couple of them – a pair of dress shoes and a pair for dress down Friday.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 15, 2015

Five Ways to Communicate Effectively

I personally believe that communicating effectively is fashionable. It's quite difficult to achieve specially when you lack the confidence. Do you share the same dilemma? Here are some techniques for you to observe in order to speak confidently.

Practice the art of listening - Listen twice as much as you speak.  Listen to what other people have to say so that you understand where they’re coming from. By listening, you can be sure of what you're going to say. Hence, your opinions and suggestions will matter.

Ask questions - If something is unclear to you, shoot a question. Asking a question is not just showing inquisitiveness. It gives the impression that you're interested in the person speaking and his words. This enables you build a rapport which is important in effective communication.

Think before you speak. This will keep you from getting into a situation where you wish you didn't say words that can offend your listeners. Hurtful words can push people to turn deaf ears towards you.

Read, read, read. Each one of us has his own expertise. You cannot be an expert on everything but you can be knowledgeable about anything. How? By reading. Yes, read instead of watching TV or playing video games.

Practice, practice, practice. Do you get startled when talking to a lot of people? Don't fret because you're not the only one who feels that way.  If you have an upcoming speaking engagement, be ready with your topic a month ahead and devote your time to practice. Practice speaking infront of your loved ones and ask for some feedback for improvement.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 8, 2015

A Few Thoughts on Foldable Bikes and Looking Good When Biking to Work

Do you bike to work? Is your standard bike providing all the functions you need? Most men who bike to work are now switching from a standard bike to a lightweight folding bike. This is because of the many benefits the latter provides. Read the following points if you want to consider buying another or a better workhorse.

1) Most foldable bikes are lightweight. They can be carried around very easily with maximum comfort. You don't have to worry about aching backs, arms and legs when you need to carry it in certain circumstances.

2. Fordable bikes are versatile. Since they are foldable, they can be parked or kept in a smaller space. You can take it anywhere - in the mall, in the train, under your office desk or inside your locker - once it is folded.

3. Foldable bikes are usually made from sturdy materials. Their features are also designed to surpass daily wear and tear. Of course, you will need to pay more if you want a bike that will last longer under all kinds of weather.

Biking to work will definitely make you look sweaty and not-so-presentable when you reach your office. Here are some tips that will make you fresh-looking before meeting your boss and co-workers.

Pace yourself: More speed means more sweat. Resist the temptation of biking fast on long commutes.

Bring your work clothes: Don't wear your suit when biking; instead, carry it in your bag.

Having grooming tools ready in your office locker: Have a comb and deodorant. These will help you deal with helmet hair and your body odor.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 1, 2015

How Men Should Wear Jewelry

Is it okay for men to wear jewelry? Yes, it is okay. What’s not okay is overdoing it.
Aside from watches, men can choose from a variety of accessories that will suit their personal style. While you are free to adorn yourself in the way you want, it is best to still look neat and decent with your jewelry on.

Mix and match - Make sure that your bracelet choices will match the watch your wearing. Silver watches, for one, can easily blend with any color and texture. As you enjoy mixing and matching, remember not to put on more than three accessories on each of your arms. This is if you don’t want to be the center of attention of everyone.

Don't get experimental with piercings - Are you thinking of sporting an eyebrow ring? Piercings on the face are never cool. If you must pierce, keep it to your earlobes. Earrings that are smaller and not diamond look neat on men.

Invest on a nice watch - So if you're going to make an investment into the world of wristwear, your first big purchase should be something tells time. Use it as the anchor of your wrist-acular adventures. In fact, a nice watch might all you need to accessorize your wrist.

Don’t wear anklets - Most women think that it is cool for their men to wear anklets especially when they’re on the beach. Well, the truth is, it is seriously not nice to see men wearing anklets and toe rings for that matter.

Wear necklaces appropriately - Want to wear a necklace over a T-shirt just like cool guy Gosling? Go ahead, just make sure that it is the right necklace. Anything too short will look like a dog collar. Stay away from something that’s too big or too gold. Buy one that's long, silver, and thin.  Match it with a standard-sized pendant like an interesting artifact.

Miyerkules, Hunyo 24, 2015

Men’s Ultimate Guide to Buying the Right Cologne

Your chosen scent should reflect your personality. Hence, you shouldn't pick the first perfume the sales agent suggests. Take the time to check a few selections out before buying one that suits your personality.

Go alone - You are to buy a cologne for yourself and  not to please your wife, girlfriend, friends or co-workers. Go alone so that you can find a scent that you really like and that you're comfortable with.

Well,  I'm not promoting brand. I just got interested in this image. All credits to the owner.

Learn the classifications - Colognes are classified into three groups: citrus, green, and spicy.

Citrus - lemon and tangerine scents; good for men who want a fresh-from-the-shower aroma
Green - scents that are sweeter than citrus
Spicy - also known as leathery; seasoned scents that smell much stronger

Narrow your options - Your daily routine and outfit are two factors to take note when choosing the right cologne for yourself. For a regular day in shirt, jeans and sneakers, a cistrusy cologne would be appropriate. A spicy cologne is best to wear if you're athletic or easygoing. Wear a green cologne if you always dress up in suits.

Don't wear deodorant for the day - Your nose will find it hard to sniff (and select) the scent that you best like. So, skip your deo or your cologne for the day.

Try them on - If you find it hard to choose on the spot from the selections in the department store, ask the sales agent to give you samples which you can take home. Choose at least three colognes. Try one each day. Observe how you smell in each scent for the whole day. Then, decide which cologne suits your lifestyle and grooming needs.

Miyerkules, Hunyo 17, 2015

Find the Perfect Messenger Bag for You with These Tips

Messenger bags are a stylish alternative to the usual briefcase for men. They are a favorite among men (and women) because of their flexibility in design and usability. Selecting  the right messenger bag could be a challenge specifically now that it comes in a variety of features and sizes. Here are some tips that can make the selection process easier for you.

Decide on the bag's purpose - What are the things that you're going to carry in it? Books, clothes, food, laptop or a handful of documents? Your bag's purpose will determine the perfect size, material (leather, nylon or canvass) and design (detailing and internal compartments) for you to choose.

Find a comfortable strap - A comfortable strap is the kind of strap that doesn't rub against the skin and doesn't cut easily. If you will be using your bag daily going  to school or work, choose a variant with a wide and adjustable strap.

Check the pockets and compartments - The bag should have enough sections to hold the things that you'll need to bring with you daily. These include stationery, a mobile phone and a purse. Some messenger bags may have a panel with dedicated slots for pens, and small items. While too many pockets seem practical, you must be aware that it can encourage you to overpacking. So, it is best to choose a bag with standard number of compartments and pockets.

Pick an appropriate style - Are you going to wear your messenger bag to work with your suit? If yes, you'll need one that is made of leather. Canvass or nylon bags are  ideal to use in less formal occasions.

Set a budget - Before making any purchase, know how much money you can spend on a bag. While high priced designer bags may offer good quality, moderately priced messenger bags can be a more practical option specifically if you don't have a big budget.

Martes, Mayo 12, 2015

Four Articles of Clothing Every Equestrian Should Wear

Selecting the right outfit before riding a horse is an important for every equestrian. This is because wearing the right riding gear will both keep you comfortable and help protect you from injury. Your riding apparel need not be expensive. If you take some time and effort, you will find the appropriate items which suit your budget. Below is a list of items which should not be missing from your equestrian attire.

1) Headgear - Safety over fashion must be your primary consideration when choosing the right headgear. Wear only headgear which has been approved. Baseball hats, cowboy hats, derbies and bicycle helmets must not be worn in place of an approved equestrian helmet.  Approved equestrian helmets usually cost $60 and up. This is quite a bargain compared to the expense you might incur if you suffer a head injury.

2) Shirt - A T-shirt or sweatshirt that fits you perfectly - not too loose and not too tight - will be enough if you're not performing on a horse show. Choose a bright-colored shirt if you're going on a trail. Should you get lost, it will be easier for rescuers to track you in a highly-visible shirt. You can wear a vest or winter coats over your shirt when the weather gets cooler while you're riding. Most riders choose vests over coats because they don't restrict arm and shoulder movements.

3) Pants - Riding tights are usually made from two-way stretch fabrics. They are  designed with leather knee and seat patches to provide more grip. During cooler months, you can wear winter riding pants which are made from fleecey material for warmth.

4) Footwear - For safety purposes, next to an equestrian helmet, an excellent pair of boots for horse riding is the most important article of clothing when horse riding. There are many different styles of boots. Choose whatever is comfortable and suitable for your type of riding. Make sure that your choice of boots gives full support to your ankles.

Do you want to know what kind of boots can keep you comfortable and safe while horseback riding? Read this detailed infographic from Horseland.

Biyernes, Abril 3, 2015

What Men Should Know About Wearing Hats

Hats are timeless accessories that can fit every man's fashion style. For a hat to compliment one's appearance, there are certain factors which must considered.

Attire - What is the look that you're trying to achieve? Do you want to match your suit with a hat? Formal attires require formal looking hats. Fedora hats go well with coats and ties because they are structured. If you want to look stylish in your summer attires, choose hats that are less structured and made from light materials like straw.

Size and proportion - Large hats are best worn by tall men. If you're quite short, hats in smaller sizes will be the best option for you to wear.

Face shape - The four basic face shapes are heart, oval, round and square. Use the following guidelines according to the shape of your face.

a) heart - medium-sized and wide-brimmed hats
b) oval - hats with moderate height, tapered crown and a moderate width brim
c) round - hats with medium height and full crown
d) square - hats with curves and rounded edges

Color - The color of your hat should match your outfit. However, this doesn't mean that your hat should be of the same color with your shirt and pants. Just make sure that your hat's color complements your clothes' color.


Here are some terms related to wearing your hat.

a) Don your hat  - Put it on.
b) Doff your hat - Put it off.
c) Tip your hat at the ladies - Grab the rim of your hat and lift it up slightly. This also means grabbing the rim of your forward gently. 
d) Grab the crown of your hat. - Grab the your hat by its top part.

Martes, Marso 3, 2015

How to Look Great in Casual Shirts

Casual shirts make you look dashing if you wear them correctly. Most men interpret the term 'casual' very loosely. For example, some guys bare in their attempt to look casual. They do this by unbuttoning their tops. Loosening one or a couple of your buttons is more than enough. This allows you to look relaxed without creating a cheap impression for you. If you want to flaunt your gorgeous figure, the beach would be the best place for you to do that.

Undershirts are essentials of clothing style for men. As their name suggest, they are meant to be worn under your outfit and so the must not be showing. To ensure that the neckline of your undershirts do not go peekabo, secure for yourself its two kinds. Use a v-neck undershirt if you are to unbutton your top. Aren’t you a fan of unbuttoning? Use a round neck undershirt if you always keep your buttons closed.

For a time, sporting denim and leather tops was a fad among men. Although they may look appealing for some, these pieces do not really look appropriate when worn outside the ranch. What’s more, their material creates a warm feel all throughout. You can feel hot and uncomfortable as you do tasks wearing them especially during summer months. Perhaps, it is the colors of these tops which you really like. Scout for cotton polo shirts which come in the same hues – denim blue, black or beige.

Another example of casual shirts for men which must be avoided is tops with very big design and size. Obviously, these are created to catch the attention of many. In fact, they are often spotted on promotional events worn by sales agents. Unless your job requires you to do so, never wear them to gatherings or when running errands around. You will definitely the center of attraction the negative way with these. If you still want to find a use for them, wear them during bed time or any time at home where other people cannot see you.

You may be unaware of the fact that casual shirts for men make up the foundation of male’s wardrobe. They are able to bring the best out of you even for formal gatherings when paired with suitable dress pants, dress shoes and accessories. It may take time for you to unlearn the ways you used to wear these pieces. Nonetheless, learning the fashionable means to do it would be all worth it.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 18, 2015

Celebrity Home Break-Ins: What You Can Learn from Them

Over the years, many celebrities have been robbed of their treasured belongings despite their high tech security systems. Thanks to the paparazzi photographers who follow them all day long, thieves have a good idea of  how much expensive clothes they wear, what type of luxury cars they drive and the amount of sparkling jewelry they own.

Magazines and TV shows which feature celebrity homes also tempt thieves to trespass and rob the residences of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Hence, celebrity home robberies don’t happen by chance, they are premeditated.

Below is an infographic from Omega Corp showing the most famous of these burglaries.

Top 5 Celebrity Home Break-Ins and How Burglars Do What They Do

Celebrities lose huge sum of money or valuables because of these break-ins. They can easily replace their lost possessions. But, they will have a hard time regaining the lost peace of mind especially when the thieves remain on the loose.

Celebrity home intrusions show that anyone can fall victim to theft. Hence, it is best to observe the basic rules of home security apart from the installation of  a home security system.  Here are some things you can do to turn your home into a safer haven.

Avoid showing off – Do you leave branded possessions in front of your house? Keep them hidden in your garage. If your expensive appliances are within sight, move them around to get them out of burglars’ view.

Secure doors and windows – Always lock your doors and windows.  Change faulty locks. Secure weaker doors with rod stops.

Clear your yard
– Burglars can hide behind overgrown shrubs and trees. Cut them regularly. Install outdoor lights in your yard.

Ask for police assistance
– Let the police know if you’re going to leave your house specifically for a long time. Request them to check on your property every now and then.

Prepare for vacations
– Have a relative or friend to stay in your house while you’re away. Avoid making your house look empty with piled up mail boxes and overgrown lawns.

Linggo, Pebrero 1, 2015

Ten Things Fathers Should Teach Their Sons

Teaching kids the important things in life must be intentional on the part of fathers. This is because children nowadays are preoccupied with a lot things - school, sports and even church activities. Fathers must begin by creating a list of skills, values and life lessons that they ought to teach their sons. Then, they must designate the date and time for each teaching session.

Perhaps, you are a new dad who doesn't know what to teach his children. The following list can help you get started.

Read good books – Reading is essential leadership. Good books  make good leaders in families, companies and countries.

Be a gentleman – A gentle doesn't gossip; opens doors for others; offers seat to women; etc.

Money management – Teach your kids basic saving and investing and the virtue of generosity.

Use basic carpentry tools – Hammer, saw, screwdriver and wrench are vital for home repairs. 

Paint a room – Painting as indispensable skill especially among men. You'll never know when you'll need it.

Grow things – Growing plants and pets help build emotional stability in a person.

Keep promises – Verbal commitments must be kept. It shows the type of person you are.

Dress appropriately – Observing the proper dress code for every occasion is important. Show your kids the proper mixing and matching of clothes. 

Do the laundry – Real men know how to take care of their own clothes. Teach your kids how to wash clothes by hand and with the use of a washing machine. Teach them how to iron too.

Handle loss – It is not everyday that you stay on top of each game you play. Loss in sports, school, work and even relationships will be devastating if you don't know how to handle them.